On April 20, 2010, BP’s offshore oil-drilling rig, the Deepwater Horizon, exploded and sank 41...

Habitat restoration is not only integral to the recovery of endangered wildlife—it can also effectively address flood management, water quality and erosion concerns.
We view restoration from a “watershed” perspective that accounts for the connectivity and interdependence of hydrology, geomorphology, habitats, and living resources. We recognize the concerns of local communities, and we strive to develop design solutions that incorporate natural and human benefits, including sustainable water supply, flood and erosion protection, water quality improvement, habitat restoration, and recreation.
Our restoration team offers diverse services, from advancing restoration science to overseeing in-the-ground restoration, and everything in between.
Our expertise extends from initial feasibility, planning, and conceptual design, through environmental compliance documentation, permitting, preparation of design drawings and specifications, construction observation, and post-project monitoring.
Using this approach, we have successfully planned, permitted, designed, constructed, and monitored numerous projects throughout the West Coast and Gulf Coast. We bring specialized expertise in a full range of native habitats from headwaters to coast.
Learn More About
Blue Carbon Assessments
Coastal Restoration
Compensatory Mitigation
River & Floodplain Restoration
Watershed Assessment & Management
Water Quality
Wetland Restoration
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News & Ideas
A vast expanse of tidal sloughs, salt marshes, ephemeral streams, and oak woodlands once covered...
ESA is pleased to announce exciting new additions to the Northwest region as we welcome...
Note, this is the second of two articles exploring how ESA is helping to study...
ESA is pleased to present and attend this year’s Bay-Delta Science Conference in Sacramento, California from...
ESA is pleased to announce that Jorgen Blomberg has been selected to lead the firm’s...