On July 22, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded a $500 million grant to...

Climate Change & Resilience
The effects of climate change will continue to impact natural ecosystems and built infrastructure throughout the 21st century.
We have been working with communities to plan for and directly address climate change impacts to protect people and resources in the face of rising sea levels, flooding hazards, increased heat and drought, wildfire hazards, coastal erosion, and more.
Global climate protection is rapidly becoming the most critical environmental challenge of the 21st century. ESA helps communities and institutions reduce greenhouse gas emissions through rigorous analysis, thoughtful planning, and effective stakeholder engagement.
ESA has long pioneered sustainability and climate change initiatives. We’ve helped clients eliminate or reduce waste, prevent pollution, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, restore natural habitats, and conserve natural resources. As the depth and breadth of our technical capabilities has grown, we are increasingly focused on planning and designing resilient communities and habitats in the face of climate change.
ESA provides a range of services to help reduce emissions and plan for climate change, from project implementation and regional planning to policy guidance. We develop emissions inventories, technical studies, and comprehensive emissions reduction plans based on science and practical considerations for implementation. Our multidisciplinary practice is integrated with the rest of ESA’s services―it’s a core part of how we operate as we face the impending impacts of climate change.
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Climate Action Plans
Climate Change Adaptation
Sea Level Rise and Coastal Hazards
Sustainability Planning
Waste Reduction
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News & Ideas
ESA is pleased to announce that Jorgen Blomberg has been selected to lead the firm’s...
For much of the Western United States, wildfires have become an ever-present reality that we...
On April 4, 2024, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Regional Council adopted the...
ESA is pleased to sponsor, present, and attend this year’s 41st Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference...
On February 12, the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was released for the Topanga Lagoon...