The City of Richmond is embarking on a transformative initiative through the Hilltop Horizon Specific Plan, reimagining the 143-acre Hilltop Mall and surrounding areas. This plan will elevate the area from a low-intensity retail center into a vibrant, high-density mixed-use destination, embodying the vision for a sustainable and accessible community hub. The Specific Plan will guide the creation of new housing, community spaces, commercial opportunities, and economic development, enhancing the experience for residents and attracting visitors to Richmond.

Why does this project matter?

This project is crucial for revitalizing an underutilized area, providing essential amenities, and integrating economic growth with environmental stewardship. It will enhance mobility options, expand park spaces and gathering areas, and improve the overall quality of life, benefiting both the ecosystem and the community.

What is ESA doing to help?

ESA is leading the development of the Hilltop Horizon Specific Plan by providing expert project management, community engagement, and technical analyses. Our work includes evaluating current conditions, performing market and financial viability assessments, and developing land use scenarios that align with the City’s planning goals. We will continue to integrate public input, climate considerations, infrastructure assessments, and mobility enhancements to craft a comprehensive plan and environmental review that promotes sustainable growth and economic vitality. ESA is collaborating with a multidisciplinary team, including SiteLab, BAE Urban Economics, Fehr & Peers, NCE, A3GEO, and CHS Consulting Group, to ensure a successful and well-rounded plan.

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"The Hilltop Horizon Specific Plan represents a pivotal transformation for the Hilltop area. This project is more than a redevelopment—it's a bold vision for a more integrated and equitable urban environment."

Beverly Choi, ESA Project Manager


Location Richmond, California


ESA helped the City of Richmond secure two competitive grants for the preparation of the Hilltop Horizon Specific Plan and Environmental Document: a $500,000 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Grant from the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and a $750,000 Priority Development Area (PDA) Planning Grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG).

The Plan focuses on revitalizing the Hilltop Mall area into a dynamic, mixed-use hub that enhances quality of life for residents and attracts new opportunities to Richmond.

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