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Oak Valley Mitigation Site
The Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) and state and federal wildlife agencies identified more than 20 parcels of land offering habitat enhancement opportunities to offset project impacts of the Perris Dam Remediation Program.
Why does this project matter?
The riparian restoration of Oak Valley, a 35-acre portion of San Timoteo Creek in Riverside County, has increased habitat for the endangered least Bells vireo songbird and other species native to the watershed.
What is ESA doing to help?
After conducting a biological, hydrologic, and geomorphic assessment of the Oak Valley site, ESA prepared final engineering plans and environmental documents to reestablish a geomorphically stable channel and create a well-connected floodplain that supports wetland and riparian ecosystems.
Since completing the project in 2018, ESA has been monitoring the progress of the restoration area and implementing the requirements of the Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan (HMMP) approved by the wildlife agencies. The channel design successfully withstood a substantial storm event, and the site is expected to meet all annual and completion success criteria established in the HMMP.
Connect with our team
Location Riverside County, California
Market Water
Agency Consultation & Coordination
Biological Resources
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Construction Compliance Monitoring
Flood & Stormwater Management
Hydrology, Hydraulics & Geomorphology
Land & Resource Management
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Permitting Assistance
River & Floodplain Restoration

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