The Groundwater Accounting Platform (Platform) announces the release of its source code in a new...

West Basin Ocean Water Desalination Project EIR
West Basin Municipal Water District is proposing an ocean water desalination project that could establish a new drought-proof water source representing 10 percent of its water supply.
Why does this project matter?
By delivering up to 20 million gallons per day (mgd) of locally sourced drinking water, the proposed desalination project would increase climate change resilience and reduce Los Angeles County’s reliance on imported water. The project could be expanded to 60 mgd through regional partnerships with other municipal water agencies.
What is ESA doing to help?
ESA completed a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and associated technical studies under an aggressive schedule. Following publication, distribution, and public and agency review of the Draft EIR, the ESA team prepared, published and distributed a Final EIR that responded to hundreds of comment letters and thousands of individual comments and conducted several additional technical studies to augment the analysis in the Draft EIR, including an updated and expanded Coastal Hazards Analysis. The West Basin Board of Directors took public comment, certified the Final EIR and approved the project with conditions, in November 2019.
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