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Natural Gas Lateral Looping Project
This confidential client proposes to construct a lateral loop pipeline on its existing natural gas lateral pipeline system to serve the expanding need for additional firm natural gas transportation service in Central Florida.
Why does this project matter?
The project will allow for an existing coal-fired unit at a power plant to be authorized for adding dual-fuel capabilities. Dual-fuel ability will allow the plant to use firm natural gas transport as the primary energy source and to help reduce the overall emissions of CO2.
What is ESA doing to help?
ESA ensured the project stayed on schedule and met the client’s in-service date by conducting thorough environmental surveys and obtaining all necessary permits.
The comprehensive services provided by ESA included the field delineation and GPS survey of all wetlands and surface waters within the project area, preparation of a Wetland Delineation Report, and baseline surveys for various species such as the gopher tortoise, indigo snake, wood stork, southeastern American kestrel, black rail, frosted flatwoods salamander, oval pigtoe, Suwannee moccasinshell, among others.
Additionally, ESA prepared a Biological Assessment for consultations with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The project team also coordinated with a cultural resources firm to establish an Area of Potential Effect for state agency consultations and managed the preparation, filing, and acquisition of 401/404 state and federal authorizations, which included analyses of wetland impacts and mitigation. ESA also handled the preparation, filing, and obtaining of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 60-Day Prior Notice authorization.

Before construction began, ESA provided excavation and relocation services for gopher tortoise burrows, completed a Southeastern Kestrel Transect Survey, and carried out a tree survey, permitting, and mitigation services in accordance with local county ordinances.
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Location Central Florida

ESA employees relocate gopher tortoises to recipient sites, to avoid construction impacts of the natural gas pipeline project.
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