Sarah is a biologist for ESA’s Southeast Biological Resources and Land Management practice. She has 16 years of ecological experience including NEPA evaluations and regulatory coordination involving state (Environmental Resource Permitting – ERP) and federal (Section 404 Permitting), wetland permitting and mitigation, biological assessments, cultural resource assessments, wetland delineation, monitoring, and geology and soils evaluations.
Sarah has performed numerous wildlife surveys, habitat assessments, and permitting for federal and state listed species including the gopher tortoise, sand skink, eastern indigo snake, Florida burrowing owl, and red-cockaded woodpecker. She has provided project management and assisted on hundreds on natural gas projects in the southeastern United States including Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. Her typical projects include Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 7(c) and Blanket Certificate projects as well as non-regulated facilities ranging from small-scale relocation/replacement projects, meter stations and other facilities, maintenance projects, hydrotests, and anomaly investigations to large-scale system expansions over hundreds of miles.