This 60-megawatt demonstration project is California’s first-ever endeavor into offshore wind – poised to be a significant renewable energy source all along the Pacific in response to the Biden Administration’s goal for 30 gigawatts of offshore wind energy by 2030.

Why does this project matter?

When complete, CADEMO will demonstrate the specific design requirements and impacts of floating wind turbines, a specific need along the Pacific to address the deep waters off the California coast.

What is ESA doing to help?

As subconsultant to ICF, ESA has been providing permitting, tribal, and cultural resources, marine archaeology, coastal commission liaison, air quality and strategic advisory support as part of the full team of environmental consultants. In this role, ESA offers specific and unique experience along the California coastal communities to navigate this new frontier in offshore wind development in the Pacific.

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Location Santa Barbara County, California

Market Energy


First-ever offshore wind project off the coast of California

A diagram of the proposed CADEMO project layout. Figure provided by California State Lands Commission.

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