As our communities enter a unique and challenging period due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), we at ESA want to reach out to extend our best thoughts to you, your family, and your colleagues, and to let you know how ESA is responding. Across ESA’s 21 offices, we are implementing strategies to protect the health and well-being of our employee-owners, meet our responsibilities to our local communities, and ensure that we continue to meet the needs of our clients with minimal disruption.
ESA is managing much of our work with you and for you digitally and virtually. We have highly effective electronic communication, file sharing, and work flow platforms and procedures, as well as system redundancies to keep our work on your projects moving forward with limited interruption. Further, we are available to support you with digital communication, collaboration, and file sharing services should you need reinforcement or interim solutions.
ESA is taking steps consistent with the guidance of our local, state and federal officials to “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 outbreak. In each of our regions, we have:
• Equipped all of our staff to work from home or the field to allow continued operations with little disruption;
• Closed our offices where “shelter-in-place” directives have been issued;
• Expanded use of our audio or video conferencing technology to facilitate continued connections with our clients and projects;
• Throughout our offices that remain open, promoted the measures that public health authorities have identified as effective to reduce risks of transmission; and
• Eliminated non-essential business travel and adopted best-practices for self-isolation for any ESA employee owners who are at-risk or symptomatic, and after potential exposures.
As a firm, ESA is fully committed and well-prepared to continue to meet our client’s needs through these uncertain times. In addition to the immediate steps being taken, we are also planning for the long-haul. As an employee-owned company, top-to-bottom we are completely committed to the long-term health, sustainability, and prosperity of ESA and our clients.
From Seattle to San Diego, from San Francisco to Florida, ESA will be working to support the welfare of our local communities where we live and work. We want to assure you that ESA will be there to support your needs in any way afforded to us. Thank you for the opportunity to be your partners and colleagues.