The Groundwater Accounting Platform (Platform) announces the release of its source code in a new...

Land and Species Conservation Systems
We understand how to support project managers in the field of conservation. Our solutions help streamline operations, align project activities with programmatic strategies, and standardize accomplishments tracking and reporting.
ESA develops data and technology solutions that make life easier for clients engaged in conservation planning, program management, scientific research, and regulatory compliance. Our solutions help clients turn field data into actionable intelligence and track performance indicators against goals. Clients use solutions we create to manage contracts and funding sources, and to promote community engagement via public-facing websites.
Habitat and species conservation systems are an area of specialization for ESA Technology Services. We have a long history of success in data systems assessment, design, development, and management in this field. One example is the custom application we built for Bonneville Power Administration’s Fish & Wildlife Program, an application that is used by 10,000+ users and tracks $2 billion in projects designed to benefit various species and the habitats they depend upon.
Over the years, our experience serving program administrators has revealed common pain points and data management challenges. Rather than starting from scratch for each client, we decided to leverage prior development efforts by creating flexible and customizable software platforms such as ProjectFirma® and TerraTrak™. These modular and integrative platforms support workflows including planning, data collection, results tracking, financial analysis, and more. They serve as a springboard for us to provide clients with rapid, cost-effective development of custom solutions.
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News & Ideas
ESA is pleased to announce that it has acquired 48 North Solutions, Inc. (48 NORTH)....
ESA is pleased to sponsor, present, and attend this year’s National HCP Coalition 10th Annual...
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is a cornerstone of environmental protection in the United...
As the American West faces intensifying water challenges, water managers, landowners, and water users are...
The Columbia River Basin once saw the largest number of salmon and steelhead than any...