ESA is pleased to present and attend this year’s Bay-Delta Science Conference in Sacramento, California from...
Meadowdale Beach and Estuary Restoration
The award-winning Meadowdale Beach Park and Estuary Restoration Project was the first Puget Sound shoreline restoration project of its kind to include enlarging a stream crossing under railroad tracks to reconnect and restore historic habitat for migrating salmon.
Why does this project matter?
This project restored a high-functioning estuarine habitat, playing a key role in salmon recovery. It also supports a wide spectrum of aquatic species by creating vital rearing habitats for key species including Chinook, chum, coho, and cutthroat trout. Encompassed within a densely developed area, the project provides recreational access to the community and visitors to hike and learn why nearshore projects such as these are so important.
What is ESA doing to help?
Considered a groundbreaking restoration project along the Puget Sound shoreline, the effort entailed replacing an undersized railroad crossing and restoring lower Lunds Gulch Creek and its associated estuary habitat.
Following construction, Snohomish County collaborated with ESA to assess the numerous monitoring efforts for the site and developed a 10-year effectiveness monitoring plan to track site performance and meet permit and grant requirements. The plan synthesizes the multiple parameters into a cohesive monitoring program through which ESA partnered with Tulalip Tribes, state and federal agencies, and the local community to collect and analyze data. The resulting annual monitoring reports analyze data and detail site changes, providing valuable lessons for future railroad corridor stream restoration projects on the Puget Sound shoreline.
Explore more about the project at the following link: Meadowdale Beach and Estuary Restoration (
Connect with our team
Client Snohomish County
Location Edmonds, WA
Market Natural Resource Management
Compensatory Mitigation
Land & Resource Management
Climate Change & Resilience
Climate Change Adaptation
Environmental Permitting & Compliance
Permitting Assistance
Fish and Aquatic Sciences
Coastal Zone Engineering & Management
Coastal Restoration
Innovation in Conservation Award, National Parks and Rec Association 2023
Vision 2050 Award, Puget Sound Regional Council, 2023
First Puget Sound shoreline restoration project that included enlarging a stream crossing under railroad tracks along the shoreline
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