ESA is pleased to sponsor, present, and attend this year’s Society for California Archaeology (SCA) Annual Meeting in Burlingame, California from March 13 – March 16. Don’t miss our cultural resources experts at our scheduled workshops and poster presentations, where we will discuss fundamental concepts in geoarchaeology, and share about our years of ongoing cultural resources research and analyses of important cultural sites along the California High Speed Rail project.

ESA’s team of cultural resources specialists will be attending the conference this year and we look forward to connecting with you.

Tony Overly, MA, RPA

Cultural Resources Practice Leader, SCA President

Chris Lockwood, PhD, RPA

Pacific Northwest Cultural Resources Director

Matthew Russell, PhD, RPA

Northern California Cultural Resources Director, SCA Program Co-Chair

Daniel Woodward, MA, RPA

Southern California Cultural Resources Director

Robin Hoffman, RPA

Cultural Resources Program Manager, Delta Region

Sara Dietler

Senior Principal Archaeologist

Ashleigh Sims, MA, RPA

Senior Archaeologist, SCA Local Arrangements Chair

Evan Tudor Elliott, MA, RPA

Senior Archaeologist, SCA Program Co-Chair

Heather Atherton, PhD, RPA

Senior Archaeologist

Heidi Koenig, MA, RPA

Senior Archaeologist

Paul Zimmer


Claudia Camacho Trejo


Caleb Riley


Doug Alexander

Project Archaeologist

Melissa Grijalva-Foreman

Cultural Resources Specialist

Eleni Carwin

Archaeological Field Technician

We’ll be hosting a booth at the event’s Job Fair on Saturday, March 15 from 12pm – 4pm in the Sequoia Room, located at the Hyatt Regency SFO, 1333 Bayshore Highway, Burlingame, CA 94010.

We’ll be presenting at the following workshops and poster presentations


GEO1: Basic Principles of Archaeology
Thursday, March 13 | 8:30am – 12:00pm
Presenters: Chris Lockwood and Paul Zimmer

This workshop will provide an overview of fundamental concepts in geoarchaeology for students and early career professionals. Topics will include discussions of landscapes and landforms in relation to archaeological site locations; depositional processes and site formation; post-depositional processes, soil formation, and site preservation; geoarchaeological testing methods; and geoarchaeological modeling.


ESA will be presenting five posters in Poster Session 1: A Decade Plus of Cultural Resources Research While Building the California High Speed Rail on Friday, March 14 from 12:30pm – 2:00pm. These include:

An Exploration of the Archaeology of Downtown Fresno
Poster by: Heather Atherton, Mai Hopstone, and Paul Zimmer

Preliminary Analysis of Fresno’s ‘Germantown’ Household Deposits
Poster By: Eleni Carwin, Douglas Alexander, Heather Atherton

Down on the Boardwalk: Two Wooden Features in Downtown Fresno
Poster by: Heather Atherton, Mai Hopstone, Carlos Lopez, Silvia Cervantes and Paul Zimmer

Unearthing Architecture: Intersection of Archaeology and the Built Environment at the Forestiere Underground Gardens
Poster by: Katherine Cleveland

Cat Nap: Ritualistic Cat Burial at the Belmont & Weber Site, Fresno
Poster by: Heather Atherton