ESA is pleased to announce that Jorgen Blomberg has been selected to lead the firm’s...
Portland to Milwaukie Light Rail Transit
With continued growth in the metropolitan area of Portland, Oregon, expanding transit options is a vital element in the region’s strategy to manage growth and build livable communities.
Why does this project matter?
The transit project created a light rail alignment along 7.3 miles, connecting Portland State University in downtown Portland, inner Southeast Portland, Milwaukie, and north Clackamas County.
What is ESA doing to help?
ESA provided restoration services for seven stream crossings along the proposed 7.3-mile urban rail corridor. Our team was integral to the responsible repair, relocation, and extension of existing culverts and storm sewers; floodplain analysis; floodplain mitigation grading and planting; habitat restoration design; and permit drawings.
For the new Willamette River Transit Bridge (Tilikum Crossing), we provided hydraulic analysis, scour protection designs, stormwater conveyance and treatment design, and permitting coordination.
To assist with the new Tacoma Station, we provided mitigation design for aquatic habitat improvements, including engineered log jams and excavated off-channel habitat, adding much needed channel complexity to this reach of Johnson Creek approaching its confluence with the Willamette River.
Connect with our team
Client City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services
Location Portland to Milwaukie, OR
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