Flooding and erosion are ongoing vulnerabilities for the coastal City of Del Mar. Understanding these vulnerabilities under a range of scenarios can help inform planning, policy development, and adaptation strategies to reduce these potential hazards and protect public health and safety.

Why does this project matter?

Climate change and sea-level rise have myriad impacts; understanding the potential vulnerabilities under a range of sea-level rise scenarios informs planning, policy development, and adaptation strategies to reduce these hazards and vulnerabilities, and protect public health and safety.

What is ESA doing to help?

ESA developed a Local Coastal Program (LCP) Amendment to guide the City in addressing sea-level rise, storm surge, and coastal flooding. This included developing a coastal hazards analysis and vulnerability assessment to analyze the potential impacts of these scenarios and drafting a sea-level rise adaptation plan to serve as the City’s long-range plan. With input from the City, a stakeholder-technical advisory committee, and the California Coastal Commission, ESA finalized the LCP Amendment for adoption by the City and approval by the Commission.

At the same time, ESA prepared a sediment management plan and a detailed vulnerability assessment of San Dieguito Lagoon wetland habitat to inform implementation of the adaptation plan and LCP Amendment policies.

Testimonials icon

"The Draft AP [Del Mar Adaptation Plan] is a fantastic example of the sea-level rise adaptation planning process, and I hope it can be shared regionally."

Carey Batha, LCP Grants Administrator,

California Coastal Commission


Location Del Mar, California


2017 Outstanding Technical Report Award, San Diego Association of Environmental Professionals

One of the first LCP Updates to include sea-level rise and an adaptation plan to go to the Coastal Commission

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