By combining a technical base in coastal hydrology and engineering with an understanding of the regulatory and environmental processes, Louis helps clients navigate projects through key stages of planning, permitting, design, and implementation.
1. What is your favorite ESA moment/memory so far?
I have made a lot of great memories over the last 12 years, but it is very rewarding to see a project get constructed that you’ve helped conceptualize and design. Each time that I see the Surfer’s Point Managed Retreat project in Ventura I come away feeling like I’ve made a difference. Another epic moment was helping the Committee for Green Foothills prepare an independent bluff erosion assessment that ultimately was used to re-think and downsize a proposed development at an amazing coastal site in Moss Beach near where I grew up.
2. What does it mean to you to be part of an employee-owned company?
That we have a vehicle to influence decisions that are made and that affect all of us.
3. What keeps you coming to work here at ESA every day?
I am addicted to the challenge of complicated projects, and doing too much at once…so that motivates me, along with the experience with a dedicated group of staff that feel similarly.
4. What has been your favorite job in your career and why?
This has been my favorite job in my career because it is the only one I’ve had. I am at my 12-year mark February 12 (joined PWA in 2007), and I can say it’s never been dull.
5. Do you have an special talents?
Music, dad jokes, bread baking, and I have a good memory. I also brew a tasty kombucha.
6. If you had one free hour each day, how would you use it?
Either spend it with my daughter, play some guitar, or jump in the ocean.