ESA is pleased to sponsor, present, and attend this year’s National HCP Coalition 10th Annual Meeting in Palm Springs, California from December 10 – 12. ESA’s biological specialists and land management experts will share their work developing conservation strategies, facilitating successful Habitat Management Plan implementation partnerships, guiding natural resources management, designing programs to increase diversity across the AEC industry, and much more.

ESA’s team of ecologists, conservation planners, and biological resources and land management specialists will be attending the conference and we look forward to connecting with you.

We’ll be speaking at the following panel discussions:
Expanding Our Wingspans: The Development of a Butterflies HCP
Tuesday, December 10 | 11:10am
Location: Crosby Ballroom B as part of Session 2a, “Protecting Pollinators”
Presenter: Adrienne Lee, supporting the County of San Diego
San Diego is a biodiversity hotspot and home to many unique species and habitats. The County of San Diego (County) has placed conservation efforts as one of its highest priorities to balance protecting sensitive species and habitat and allowing for effective development within the region. When the Quino checkerspot butterfly was listed as an endangered species in 1997, the County tried adding the species under the recently adopted South County Subarea Plan, but pollinator conservation came with its own set of challenges, which led to the development of a Butterflies Habitat Conservation Plan (BHCP). In this presentation Adrienne will support the County of San Diego in discussing the criteria used to determine covered species, the challenges associated with covering invertebrates as covered species, and the unique conservation strategy the BHCP is developing.
An EEPIC Way to Develop the Next Generation of Conservation Professionals
Tuesday, December 10 | 1:10pm
Location: Crosby Ballroom B as part of Session 3a, “Diversity and Inclusion in Conservation Planning”
Presenter: Barbra Calantas
Mindful of demographics and a lack of diversity within the Architecture/Engineering-Environmental/Construction (AEC) industry, a group of five California firms focused in the environmental, engineering, and planning professions decided to collectively coordinate to address this need. Barbra will discuss the development of the multi-organizational Environmental, Engineering, and Planning Internship Charrette (EEPIC) internship program, and how the program is designed to increase access to high-paying careers within the industry through internships and real-life project opportunities for participants to gain career experience.
Overview of the Salton Sea
Thursday, December 12 | 1:40pm
Location: Crosby Ballroom C as part of Session 7b, “Conservation in California: Safeguarding Nature and Wildlife”
Presenter: Sonya Vargas
The Salton Sea is a multifaceted ecosystem facing many challenges, including a receding shoreline and rising salinity. Scientists, policy makers, and community members are working to determine how best to manage the Sea and the associated health impacts from the changing conditions, including harmful dust emissions to surrounding communities. Sandra will provide an overview of the history and progress made toward monitoring and managing the Salton Sea, including the development of the Salton Sea Monitoring Implementation Plan, which identified priorities for tracking important trends in the land, water, air, biota, and local community conditions within and around the Sea. Additionally, the Salton Sea Management Program Project Tracker was developed to provide information on the progress made under the Salton Sea Management Program Phase 1: 10-Year Plan.
20 Years in Carlsbad
Thursday, December 12 | 2:30pm
Location: Crosby Ballroom B as part of Session 8a, “Past Wisdom, Future Goals”
Presenter: Adrienne Lee
The City of Carlsbad’s (city) Habitat Management Plan (HMP) is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The city oversees its entire HMP Preserve System, but only 11% of the Preserve System is owned and managed by the city. Implementation partnerships are critical to successful HMP implementation. In this significant milestone year, Adrienne will highlight the local and regional implementation partnerships involved with the HMP and lessons learned so far.

- Biological Monitor | Northern/Southern California
- Designated Biologist | Northern/Southern California
- Senior Biologist & Project Manager | Southern California
- Regulatory Permitting Specialist | Northern California/Remote
- Senior Regulatory Permitting Specialist | Northern California/Remote
- More opportunities on our Job Openings page