Jacyln Catino-Davenport is a Principal Biologist and project manager with over ten years of experience working on a range of projects from small infrastructure improvements to large energy project. As a terrestrial biologist, she has surveyed a variety of special-status avian species including Swainson’s hawk, golden eagles, bald eagles, burrowing owls, California gnatcatcher, tricolor blackbird, least Bell’s vireo, and coastal cactus wren.
What is your favorite ESA moment/memory so far?
My first Halloween with ESA was the most memorable! I was warned ahead of time that it was a big deal. There were two other ESA employees that were also experiencing their first ESA Halloween and as we chatted someone causally stated, “We could be the New-Bees”. And that’s how we all dressed up as bees!
What keeps you coming to work here at ESA every day?
The Southern California Biological Resources and Land Management (BRLM) Team! We have a great group of people with so many different backgrounds. I feel so fortunate to have such a great, immediate team to help support me with my projects and my career growth.
If you had one free hour each day, how would you use it?
Being on the couch with my two cats! Watching something on the TV or my laptop is optional!
What are three skills that you bring to the ESA team? In other words, what should colleagues know to reach out to you about?
- USFWS Eagle Take Permits
- Biological Resources Compliance Concerns
- Passive Bat Acoustic Analysis
Describe your role at ESA and the type of work you do.
I do a bit of everything, but my specialty is with raptors (eagles, hawks, falcons)! My roles at ESA include project management, technical writer (Biological Resources documents or EIR sections), compliance monitor, permit assistant and report compliance, and leading a variety of biological resources surveys including avian special-status species surveys (least Bell’s vireo, burrowing owl), raptor surveys, (golden eagle, Swainson’s hawk, northern harrier), and passive bat acoustic surveys. I’m also a certified bird bander through the USGS Bird Banding Laboratory.