Lauren Abom
As Senior Vice President and ESA’s Northern California Regional Director, Lauren leads ESA’s largest region with a deep understanding of the environmental consulting industry, a continual focus on the growth and development of ESA’s professional staff, and an unwavering commitment to client service and technical excellence.
Lauren has dedicated more than 23 years of her career providing senior quality control review on CEQA and NEPA documents for dozens of infrastructure clients, leading environmental planning staff development, training, and mentorship. Throughout her career, Lauren has prepared environmental impact statements (EIS), environmental impact reports (EIR), environmental assessments (EA), initial study/mitigated negative declarations (IS/MND), and revalidations in accordance with NEPA and CEQA regulations. She has worked for transportation and transit agencies, federal, state and local government and water/wastewater agencies.
In particular, her transportation experience has included CEQA and NEPA documents for complex infrastructure projects involving light rail extensions, highway bypasses and relocations, grade separations for highways and rail corridors, and other large-scale projects with construction costs over $1.5 billion.
Lauren is an active member of Women’s Transportation Seminar and Association of Environmental Professionals. She holds a Masters of Science in Environmental Education, California State University, Hayward and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Resource Sciences (with a minor in Geographic Information Systems) from the University of California, Davis.