Erich Fischer
As senior vice president and the firm’s Natural Resources Management Market Leader, Erich works with clients to plan, permit and construct a wide variety of project types. With a background in wildlife biology, GIS modeling, and regulatory permitting, he’s dedicated his career to developing integrated regulatory permitting and land management solutions for projects that conserve our natural environment.
Erich has more than two decades of experience managing CEQA/NEPA documents, Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act permitting, tribal projects, habitat restoration, ecological monitoring, wetland delineations, and biological assessments. He has worked with several federal and state agencies on large infrastructure and land management projects and assisted tribal governments with land use decisions. He specializes in strategic planning for comprehensive permitting and regulatory compliance, land management planning, mitigation strategies, and remote sensing/habitat delineations.
Erich holds a Bachelor of Arts in Biological Sciences from California State University, Sacramento. His specialized training includes Wildlife Habitat Relationships (WHR), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), habitat modeling in geographic information systems, photo interpretation, Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP), bat and mesocarnivore survey techniques, and survey protocols for many special-status wildlife species. He is also trained in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wetland delineation techniques and is a member of the Wildlife Society’s Western Section.