Barbra Calantas
A leader in the fields of wildlife biology, permit strategy, endangered species act consultation and CEQA/NEPA compliance, Barbra leads ESA’s Biological Resources and Land Management (BRLM) practice, overseeing the firm’s team of specialists in biological resources, resources management, wetlands studies, habitat restoration, permitting, and monitoring.
Barbra has 20 years of experience as an environmental consultant and wildlife specialist. A skilled project manager, she is adept at partnering with clients to plan and execute general and focused wildlife field surveys; Endangered Species Act consultation; document quality assurance and quality control for data collection procedures; and prepare a variety of environmental documents, including Section 7 and Section 10 Biological Assessments.
Barbra has led and performed protocol-level surveys for federally and state- threatened and endangered species, including surveys for listed branchiopod species, Quino checkerspot butterfly, arroyo toad, desert tortoise, least Bell’s vireo, burrowing owl, and Pacific pocket mouse. Barbra is a regular volunteer with Ocean Discovery Institute, a non-profit group with a mission to uses science to empower young people from underserved urban communities to transform their lives and their community. She also founded the Environmental Professional Diversity Collective (EPDC), a San Diego–based program to address the lack of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the environmental consulting, architecture, and engineering industries.