Sara Dietler is a senior archaeology and paleontology lead with decades of experience in cultural resources management in Southern California. As a senior project manager, she manages and prepares technical studies to report the findings of archaeological and paleontological surveys to assess a project’s potential impacts. She applies her expertise for project-specific as well as on on-call contracts for cities, counties, utilities, transportation, and other agencies throughout the state of California.
Sara is well versed in preparing documentation and providing consultation in compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology guidelines and requirements. Cross-trained in paleontological monitoring, Sara regularly monitors and supervises fossil salvage for public agencies and private developers. She has extensive experience providing oversight for long-term compliance monitoring projects throughout the Los Angeles Basin for archaeological, Native American, and paleontological monitoring projects and provides streamlined management for these disciplines.
Lending her expertise in Native American consultation, Sara also conducts trainings for and provides expert support to clients managing tribal cultural resource issues under CEQA and NEPA for all types of projects and environmental documents.