Mike is a quantitative ecologist and statistician with 30 years of experience working on complex natural resource management issues related to land use, water quality, and water supply. Mike specializes in the application of statistical models to derive protective regulatory standards, as well as management-level targets and thresholds to protect valued ecosystem resources from water quality degradation, principally in estuarine environments.

Mike has developed water quality thresholds that were codified in Florida statute to protect southwest coastal estuaries from nutrient pollution; developed Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plans, Water Quality Protection Plans, and Watershed Management Plans for several coastal estuaries; and is currently working to establish a Reasonable Assurance Plan for Biscayne Bay, Florida, to identify pollutant load reduction goals necessary to achieve water quality compliance with the Bay’s designated use. Mike also provides peer review services to clients on the application of stochastic models for natural resource management issues.

Mike’s success as an environmental consultant is due to a combination of technical expertise and ability to communicate complex scientific subject matter in a concise and informative manner to natural resource managers, policy makers, and the lay public. Mike’s responsibilities typically include serving as primary point of contact for clients; developing proposals, scopes, and budgets; conducting and overseeing data analysis with an emphasis on deriving solutions based on best available information; and presenting results to clients, management and policy boards, national and international conferences, and in peer-reviewed journals.