Heidi is a Registered Professional Archaeologist specializing in California archaeology and compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the California Environmental Quality Act, and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Her experience includes over 20 years of conducting cultural resources identification efforts, significance evaluations, development of environmental documentation, implementation programs, and consultation support with the State Historic Preservation Officer. Heidi has developed Geographic Information System databases to assist regulatory agencies with cultural resources management and preservation decisions. Heidi has a proficient understanding of the regulatory framework guiding cultural resources management and has extensive experience in conducting environmental work for all types of infrastructure projects, including development, transportation, water, and energy projects. Her experience includes working with many federal, State, and local agencies, as well as numerous Native American tribes and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers.
Heidi Koenig, RPA
Current Role
Senior Managing Associate
Northern California
Master of Arts Cultural Resources Management Sonoma State University
Bachelor of Arts Anthropology San Francisco State University
Employee-Owner Since