Jon has nearly 20 years of experience in ecohydraulic analysis, geomorphic assessment, and design, permitting, and implementation of stream and river habitat restoration projects across the Pacific Northwest. His experience includes completing surface and subsurface hydrology analysis, geomorphic assessment, habitat suitability index (HSI) analysis, design, and construction management of habitat restoration projects throughout the region.
Jon routinely contributes technical analyses to projects funded through the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (Salmon Recovery Funding Board) and is very familiar with developing designs and reporting consistent with the Manual 18 requirements. He was also a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers working group that established a framework for design standards and risk analysis for engineered placement of wood (EPW) projects. He has extensive experience with design and permitting requirements managed through BPA’s Habitat Improvement Program (HIP 3 and 4) for habitat restoration projects within the Columbia River basin.