Pablo has over two decades of experience in varied and complex oceanographic and coastal engineering projects across the open ocean, coastal and estuarine environments, as well as marsh and riverine systems along the West Coast, the South Pacific Islands, and the coasts of Mexico.

Throughout his career, Pablo has been involved in various coastal and restoration projects, including restoration design, climate change adaptation, design of habitats and infrastructure resilient to sea level rise, living shorelines, coastal flooding, coastal erosion, and ocean mixing and circulation studies. He has played a key role in over 30 restoration projects from the initial concept stage to construction.

Pablo implements solutions that work with dynamic coastal environments, help to reduce flooding and erosion, improve ecological functions, and provide adaptation to climate change. To achieve this, Pablo integrates his extensive knowledge of complex coastal environments and his deep understanding of coastal dynamics and advanced numerical models. Project examples include beach nourishment and restoration, soft shoreline protection, erosion control, flooding reduction, sediment management, oyster reef design and construction, large-scale hydraulic physical models, tsunami evacuation maps, coastal inundation maps, riverine fish passage, coastal and oceanographic studies, as well as sea level rise adaptation studies.